Choosing game design projects for 2020
I decided to choose a passion project during 2020, it’s time to look at what I’ve got so far and reflect.
MORE ...I decided to choose a passion project during 2020, it’s time to look at what I’ve got so far and reflect.
MORE ...Developing a Card based Platformer Game This weekend I participated again in the one-hour-game-jam, and created: CardJump, the card based platformer: The theme of the jam was running, and I thought about developing a runner game where your actions are decided by cards. Development process When this idea came to me, I felt that it […]
MORE ...Another week, another game: I’m late! This week is the ludum-dare, for which i wanted to make a game, but failed. the theme is: “Your life is currency”.Which game me those ideas: Lose life for better weapon (e.g. Binding of isaac) You are a demon in hell, and you trade souls with others A dating […]
MORE ...Our experience in 208th One Hour Game Jam (It’s about fish)
MORE ...Continuing with my new Game programming challenge, I made more games in one hour. My latest 1hgj creations: X vs Y Wires*Made in one hour
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