Wobbly Tricycle Fetish

Play RandoBots! Made in 72 hours for LudumDare 51


Play RandoBots! Made in 72 hours for LudumDare 51

We made An asymmetric duel game between two robots that change form every 10 seconds.
Made by: Sahar Zehavi, Ori Brusilovsky, Ido Adler and Shaked Lotan created the great music.
Give it a shot!

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Ludum Dare 50 – Chicken Dinner


Ludum Dare 50 – Chicken Dinner

We made a small game for Ludum Dare #50 The theme was: “delay the inevitable”, so don’t expect to win 馃檪For the first time I’m trying to use Godot game engine instead of Unity.This was a fun experience, Godot defaults are much better for a 2D pixel art game than Unity’s, and even that I […]

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One hour one game – The 1hgj challenge


One hour one game – The 1hgj challenge


Lately I’m joining the 1HGJ challenge ( This is a game jam where you have to do a game in one hour! My latest game is Consume, I made a video of me making this game, but of-course, it’s a one hour video 馃檪 Development Stream of “Consume” Another game I made, two weeks ago […]

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Circle Swap


Circle Swap

Sadly, The company I worked for – Planet of the Apps, ran into financial difficulties. Now I’m working at a new place, called Mohican Lab. Before I left, I worked on a level version for my game: Ens艒. The game got a new skin and a few tweaks and it’s going to be awesome! It’s […]

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