Why The Face?

What’s next – work on my own indie game


What’s next – work on my own indie game

Ode to the Dead Sea

Shiri Blumenthal, an amazing art director (also, the creator of Venus of Willnedorf Game, 2013).Joined me in creating the indie game Ode to the Dead Sea. A Gear VR photography experience where you enjoy the beautiful nature as well as warned about it’s decay. Our project will be available in the coming PrintScreen festival. Update: […]

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“Princessize” is getting noticed


“Princessize” is getting noticed

I already posted about our game Princessize and how it got to be featured on Rock Paper Shotgun. So, since than, other known and less known sources showed interest in this game. The top of those – more than 100K viewers watched our game being played by CinnamonToastKen: Thanks, Ken! You can get it on […]

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Serious Game: Escape The Bus


Serious Game: Escape The Bus

This is the most sensitive game I’ve been involved with. This game was developed after a bus stabbing attack in Tel-Aviv [full story] In this game we tried to give the player the experience of being on that bus, waiting for his turn while other people are getting hurt. You get to play each of […]

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Our game got published on rock paper shotgun! Whohoo! I guess we are real indies now. This is the game site: With web version, android version and downloadable version. *The image is a draft for the game, it’s not actually in the final game 馃檪

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The Queue


The Queue

A game I made in less than 8 hours during the: Berlin mini-jam. Meet: Toilet Queue, a game about dividing people into genders. Let’s Play video Get on Google Play Other versions: Web Version Mac Version Linux Version Win Version

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