Our studio Sunbird is shaping up as we work on our first commercial product. After the success of our political game, Bibi-Run, we returned to Ludum Dare. Under the theme “Limited Space,” we created Prickle, a Sokoban-style puzzle game where you play as DadHog, navigating narrow corridors to reunite with your hoglings.
Check out our original Ludum Dare entry:
Our journey with Ludum Dare has shaped many of our game development experiences. Read about our previous Ludum Dare projects: Ludum Dare 53 – The night witches and Ludum Dare 52- Hermesh.
New Features and Enhancements
Since October, we’ve added many new features and polish. We introduced “seasons,” each unveiling new game mechanics, and tripled the number of levels to keep the gameplay fresh and exciting.
We’re working hard to bring you an even better version of Prickle. Your support means the world to us, so please wishlist Prickle on Steam.
Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being part of my journey!
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