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Comfort Zone, NoamJam submission

Game Jam

Comfort Zone, NoamJam submission

Our 10 level game: Comfort Zone NoamJam was a game jam dedicated to the memory of Noam Rozenboim who died of cancer at 23.I didn’t know Noam, I found out about this jam through their facebook page event. The game’s theme was “Getting Better”, I teamed up with two artists: Itamar Sarusi, Yonatan Ber. We […]

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Play RandoBots! Made in 72 hours for LudumDare 51


Play RandoBots! Made in 72 hours for LudumDare 51

We made An asymmetric duel game between two robots that change form every 10 seconds.
Made by: Sahar Zehavi, Ori Brusilovsky, Ido Adler and Shaked Lotan created the great music.
Give it a shot!

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Goodbye to my latest project: Phantom Beasts


Goodbye to my latest project: Phantom Beasts

phantom beasts

Let me share with you the story of Phantom Beasts – RedemptionAn impressive 2.5D platformer shooter with beasts that provide special abilities, that is currently paused. After my card-platformer-game was deserted due to covid situation, I found a new opportunity.For the last year I was involved the the project Phantom Beast. I am proud to […]

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Ludum Dare 50 – Chicken Dinner


Ludum Dare 50 – Chicken Dinner

We made a small game for Ludum Dare #50 The theme was: “delay the inevitable”, so don’t expect to win ๐Ÿ™‚For the first time I’m trying to use Godot game engine instead of Unity.This was a fun experience, Godot defaults are much better for a 2D pixel art game than Unity’s, and even that I […]

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Game in an hour: I’m late

Game Jam

Game in an hour: I’m late

Another week, another game: I’m late! This week is the ludum-dare, for which i wanted to make a game, but failed. the theme is: “Your life is currency”.Which game me those ideas: Lose life for better weapon (e.g. Binding of isaac) You are a demon in hell, and you trade souls with others A dating […]

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